IData Insights Blog

Case for Sharing Definitions & Specifications in the Public Community

Written by Brenda Reeb | Jan 17, 2017 1:37:21 PM


As you many know, IData publishes a number of publicly-available definitions and specifications for public consumption, including national data sets like IPEDS and CDS, state bodies like SCHEV in Virginia, regional accreditors like WASC, and professional accreditors like AACSB.

The public availability of this information helps IData clients and organizations such higher education institutions in general deal with the increasing complexity of data definitions. However, there remains an immense amount of private definitions that may help other organizations if made available in the public community.

Some institutions remain leery of sharing their data definitions and specifications with the larger community. Such hesitation is certainly understandable given data governance structures, and we readily acknowledge that some data should not be shared. Consider, though, the process that nearly all institutions who develop their own data dictionaries undergo: wrestling with the nuances of meaning, application to local understanding and culture, and vetting across multiple stakeholders. If there is a particular data point, say ethnicity for example, that is the culmination of combining many other definitions, vetting, and re-drafting, would it not hold value for others?

This is not to say that organizations should consider sharing some of their data merely an act of good will. Rather, sharing such information could help establish collaborative relationships between peer organizations, departments, or other organizations that may pay dividends in the future. The Data Cookbook Community efforts, then, could be more directed toward networking individuals and departments to peers who are actively solving the same or similar problems at their own organizations.  Feel free to check out the Data Cookbook Community which is available at no cost to anyone.

If you would like to discuss the community with us or data governance (data intelligence), please feel free to .

(image credit StockSnap_EB9B6BC1F6_SharingDefsModernLibrary_BP #1054)