People (Human Resources) are an important part of data governance and data intelligence. They are part of the necessary framework. Data governance is about helping people and providing guidance....
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It seems like every day we're hearing about data products, or data as a product. The terms have certainly crept into our vocabulary and we have the distinct impression we're using them more often....
It’s been a while since we have talked about data requests. An established data request process is an important part of data governance and should provide accurate and trusted information. Often one...
We did our review and here are the top 12 most viewed blog posts in 2023 from our IData Insights Blog about Data Management, Data Intelligence, and Data Governance. There was quite a variety of...
Let us be among the first to wish you a happy new year. Here's hoping it's productive and rewarding. As with many organizations, we are spending a little time, at the end of last year and the...
One reason we don't get as much out of our data as we could is that we don't trust it. In this blog post we will cover why we don't trust our data. We will also discuss a single source of truth and...
Let us think about what an organization’s report request process might look like in terms of effort if you are trying to implement a certain amount of diligence. If we are a report writer and we are...
Your organization faces numerous challenges as it makes its way towards analytics maturity. We are deliberately using that phrase loosely, since what that maturity looks like for your organization...
We found ourselves at a trade show last week, and we were amazed as usual by the variety and creativity of software and solutions available. We found ourselves near a company that among other things...
Organizations are constantly generating and gathering vast amounts of data. And this data is critical to the success of the organization. The amount of data makes it challenging for employees to...
Management at your organization might have the assumption that data governance creates a lot of extra work. That is not a totally false assumption. There is effort necessary for data governance and...
This is a different kind of blog post for me. I feel that every person in an organization that works with data (that is almost everyone) is part of the data governance team. This blog post will...
Recently we discussed the concept of data sprawl. We find ourselves very much in the era of data sprawl, with so much data available for capture, so many specialized tools for its collection and...
As long as the notion of big data has been around, we have known that organizations of all sizes are exposed to more data, more quickly, across more systems and platforms. (These are the three Vs:...
Data is a valued organization asset. Data is continually flowing and changing and growing. Your organization needs to properly manage data all the time. If you have not already done so, you need to...
Recently we were working with a client and it came to us after much discussion that the right name for the key problems they were facing was something that should be called "data friction." In the...
The big day last week in the United States was Independence Day, July 4th, and we hope everyone was able to enjoy it in their own way. The first week of July is often significant and occasionally...
It is difficult to hire an expert on the data at your organization. Usually, this expertise comes from years of working at your organization. You do not want your subject matter experts (key data...
What should you avoid when you are creating a data governance roadmap for your organization which also includes doing an assessment of your current data governance and data intelligence efforts? From...
Many years ago we worked with a person whose default position on a surprisingly large variety of issues and tasks came down to something like, "If you don't do things this way, the IRS can fine our...
In this space last year we devoted a number of posts to how organizations can better understand data literacy among their employees, what sorts of data literacy competencies already exist, what sorts...
During technology projects there are many challenges as well as opportunities. And data governance and data intelligence can assist. Technology projects might include migrating to a new ERP,...
Let's discuss some ways that you can apply data governance best practices to your technology project and in an efficient way. Technology projects could include conversion to a new ERP solution,...
A decade or so ago, when we would introduce the Data Cookbook as a product an organization might be interested in, we generally had to make the case for data governance first, before demonstrating...
You want to gain greater acceptance of your data intelligence, data governance, and data catalog efforts at your organization. You do this by getting more employees involved in the efforts and...