Tag Archives: management

Change Management and Continuous Improvement Necessary for Data Governance

A data intelligence or data governance initiative at an organization involves change and is not easy to perform. Acknowledge that change is difficult. You understand that any change is complex to...

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The People Side of Data Governance

People (Human Resources) are an important part of data governance and data intelligence. They are part of the necessary framework. Data governance is about helping people and providing guidance....

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Top 12 Data Management Blog Posts for 2023

We did our review and here are the top 12 most viewed blog posts in 2023 from our IData Insights Blog about Data Management, Data Intelligence, and Data Governance. There was quite a variety of...

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Making Better Decisions by Better Managing Data

We spend a lot of time in conversation with prospective and active clients talking about their quest to be (more) data-driven. In those conversations, it can be taken for granted what "data-driven"...

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Resources to Assist with Data Governance Oversight and Management

A data governance and data intelligence initiative is very important to an organization.  This initiative or effort needs to be managed and have oversight.  We have written some blog posts, created...

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Data Governance Oversight Team Responsibilities

For data governance and data intelligence success, an organization must have a data governance oversight and management team or committee (team) in place. This team is the champion for data...

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Need Help with Your Data Dictionaries and Definitions? Here are Some Resources

Data dictionaries and definitions are an important content item in data governance (or as we call it data intelligence). These dictionary items and definitions are important to all organizations as...

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A Practical Understanding of Data Literacy

When we speak about literacy in everyday usage, we are usually referring to the ability to read and write in a given language, that is, to understand ideas from other people, and to communicate...

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Capabilities Necessary in a Data Governance or Data Intelligence Solution

A data governance (or data intelligence) solution is an important component of a data governance program.  The primary purpose ofa data governance solution is to help people at the organization...

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Stakeholders Necessary for a Data Governance Initiative

A stakeholder is a person who holds a vested interest in the success of an initiative. Without their support, the initiative will not succeed. As a group, stakeholders are found at multiple...

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Ownership of Your Data Governance Solution

What does it mean if you have been designated as the person "in charge" of a metadata management solution such as the Data Cookbook? What responsibilities does this entail? What skills are needed?...

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Need Help with Your Business Glossary? Here are Some Resources to Help

Business glossaries are an important content item in data governance (or as we call it data intelligence). Therefore business glossaries are important to all organizations as it allows staff to speak...

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Need Better Trust in Your Data? Here are Some Resources to Help

Having trust in your data is critical at your organization. That is why data governance and data intelligence is so important as it leads to this trust by those that are using the data. Trust in the...

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Starting Data Governance? Here are Some Helpful Resources

Data governance (also called data intelligence) is not easy. There is a lot of components to it. There is a lot of content. You need a framework and hopefully have tools in place. You need a group of...

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Availability of Data Governance Reporting and Analytics Resources

Reporting and Analytics is very related to data governance and data intelligence. If you do not have trust in your data then you will not have trust in your reports and your analytic efforts. The...

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Here are Some Resources Regarding Reference Data Lists

Reference data is the forgotten content in data governance (or as we call it, data intelligence). It needs to be documented and managed just like business glossary definitions and report...

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Prioritize Your Reference Data to Manage

Do not make everything reference data in your data governance (data intelligence) area. This blog post will discuss that only the key ones should be documented and managed. And new ones should be...

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Now is Not the Time for Desperate Data Measures

We hope everyone is staying home and staying safe, as much as possible. Being data-minded, we've of course been following the COVID-19 charts, graphs, and projections closely. Huge amounts of data...

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Learning from Libraries

Change is afoot..... - Those of you who are old enough may remember going to the library and looking up materials in a printed "card catalog," and perhaps going to the shelves and hoping to find the...

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Need Help with System Integration?  Check Out Our Resources!

Integration between data systems is a key part of data management. As more data systems are used in an organization, system integrations are becoming even more critical. IData’s staff is expert at...

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Getting Started with Data Governance

By now you've decided that data governance (or data intelligence) is a good idea for your organization. You want to use organizational data to drive better decisions, and to better understand the...

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Reframing Data Quality Problems

When we speak with new or prospective clients, the topic of their organization's data quality often comes up. And it's frequently our experience that when someone who is not data-savvy thinks their...

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The More Things Change ...

IData Inc. has been in business since 2004, and we’ve performed a lot of different work for hundreds of clients in that time. It’s a little bit amazing then, how little some of the complaints we...

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From Acquisition to Disposition: Data Management Pitfalls throughout Your Data's Lifecycle

This post is some of our thoughts on data management issues throughout the data lifecycle including loss of focus, upkeep priority, security access and disposition of data.

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Data Management Challenges Facing Institutional Researchers

Recently we attended the AIR Forum, the annual conference for institutional researchers. As a company, IData has a fair amount of direct experience with the practice of institutional research,...

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