Tag Archives: cookbook

Effective Data-Related Onboarding and Training

Organizations are constantly generating and gathering vast amounts of data. And this data is critical to the success of the organization. The amount of data makes it challenging for employees to...

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Levels of Adoption of Data Governance

Management at your organization might have the assumption that data governance creates a lot of extra work. That is not a totally false assumption. There is effort necessary for data governance and...

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My Small Marketing Data Governance Journey

This is a different kind of blog post for me. I feel that every person in an organization that works with data (that is almost everyone) is part of the data governance team. This blog post will...

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Stewarded Data Is Secure Data

Many years ago we worked with a person whose default position on a surprisingly large variety of issues and tasks came down to something like, "If you don't do things this way, the IRS can fine our...

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The Nexus of Data Literacy and Data Governance

In this space last year we devoted a number of posts to how organizations can better understand data literacy among their employees, what sorts of data literacy competencies already exist, what sorts...

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If It Were Easy, Wouldn't You Already Have Done It?

We were recently reminded of #MonkeyFirst, which was something between a thought experiment and an analogy produced by Astro Teller of Google X. Briefly, for those of you who missed it the first time...

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Helping Data Stakeholders Help Themselves

Your organization, if it has reached certain thresholds of size or complexity, has data stakeholders at all levels and across all domains. A data stakeholder, defined broadly, is someone who uses,...

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Helping Data Consumers

We tend to focus our data governance marketing, training, and services efforts on a few key roles: subject matter experts, business analysts and certain technical resources, and of course data...

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Some Thoughts on Data Literacy and Data Quality

Last week we presented a webinar in our Data Governance--Best Practices series on data quality. Among the recommended practices were identifying the specific type of data quality issue (or issues)...

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Why Don't We Trust Our Data? And What Can We Do about It?

One of the reasons we got into this business was a desire to help organizations make better use of data. Over the years we have worked with hundreds of organizations to introduce data into the...

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More Notes on Practical Data Literacy

Last month we posted some thoughts on the importance of data literacy for modern organizations, how growing data literacy can be part of a data governance program, and how the Data Cookbook in...

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IData Dedicated to Serving Organizations in All Verticals for Data Management Success

Organizations generate an abundance of valuable data. Unfortunately, this data is not always easy to access or understand and thus needs to be managed. IData Inc. (IData) is committed to all kinds of...

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What is a Data System Inventory

Data is everywhere at an organization in many data systems. And growing all the time. This data needs to be understood, individually and collectively, and cannot be done without a data systems...

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Focus on Data Governance Quick Wins to Demonstrate Value and Gain Momentum

In this blog post we will cover the importance of thinking small and having quick wins in your data governance (also called data intelligence) initiative so that value can be seen and achieved...

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Data to Return on Investment for Organization Success

This is a different type of blog post for me. I recently reread “What’s the Future of Business – Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences” by Brian Solis. It was written in 2013 but still...

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What's Included in a Data Governance Assessment

Before you can do a data governance (or as we call it data intelligence) roadmap you need to do an assessment. But what is included in this assessment? In this blog we will cover that and what should...

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Why a Data Governance Roadmap is Important

Data governance (or as we call it data intelligence) has many components and is not well understood by most people. It is very difficult to tackle all areas of data governance at once. And a data...

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Benefits and Best Practices of Reference Data Management

Reference data (or valid value lists) is a special type of data and is an important part of data quality and data governance (or as we call it data intelligence). Reference data lists can be used in...

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Discover and Know Your Data

Data is an important asset at all organizations – no matter what their business, their size, or their structure. Without data, an organization would not exist, so the decisions made about data are...

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Getting Started with Data Governance

By now you've decided that data governance (or data intelligence) is a good idea for your organization. You want to use organizational data to drive better decisions, and to better understand the...

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The More Things Change ...

IData Inc. has been in business since 2004, and we’ve performed a lot of different work for hundreds of clients in that time. It’s a little bit amazing then, how little some of the complaints we...

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From Acquisition to Disposition: Data Management Pitfalls throughout Your Data's Lifecycle

This post is some of our thoughts on data management issues throughout the data lifecycle including loss of focus, upkeep priority, security access and disposition of data.

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Data Governance Trends in 2018

We’re a big fan of Dataversity (www.dataversity.org) which provides data education for business and IT professionals.  We came across their “Data Governance Trends in 2018” article, dated January 24,...

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The Data-Enabled Executive: Using Analytics for Student Success

The American Council of Education (ACE) came out with a brief, titled “The Data-Enabled Executive: Using Analytics for Student Success and Sustainability”, to increase data-informed decision making...

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Part IV: Pragmatic Data Governance: Cultural Shifts in an Institution thru Best Practices

In their Top 10 IT Issues, 2017, EDUCAUSE identified “data management and governance” as issue #6 and defined it as the need to “improve…the management of institutional data through data standards,...

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