Tag Archives: reporting

Analytics Maturity: Don't Run before You Walk

Your organization faces numerous challenges as it makes its way towards analytics maturity. We are deliberately using that phrase loosely, since what that maturity looks like for your organization...

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Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Availability of Data Processing (Flow / Report / ETL) Catalog Resources

A key part of data governance is having an easily accessible knowledge base. Important content of this knowledge base is a data processing catalog which contains information about such items as...

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Six Data Governance Principles for Reports and Dashboards

Reporting (or analytics) and data governance (or as we call it data intelligence) are related. They both deal with data requests, data quality, data lineage, data systems, information sharing and...

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Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics - Check Out the Resources

We have a great deal of resources related to a variety of topics in data governance (or what we call data intelligence). Topics include: getting started with data governance, trust in data, ...

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Availability of Data Governance Reporting and Analytics Resources

Reporting and Analytics is very related to data governance and data intelligence. If you do not have trust in your data then you will not have trust in your reports and your analytic efforts. The...

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Moving On Up?

Nearly every organization has begun to use some software-as-a-service, where data originates, is processed and frequently stored in the cloud (or, as one of our clients likes to say, "on somebody...

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How to Improve Your Institutional Reporting

Reporting can always be improved. It is often not the reporting technology being used that is the problem. Usually it comes down to people and processes. In this post we share some thoughts on...

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Achieving Successful Reporting is Not a Technology Problem

While some organizations have been successful with a wide range of reporting tools, many others struggle with the same tools. We feel it is because organizational reporting or analytics problems are...

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Trend for Shadow Analytics

In a previous post we shared some thoughts about shadow systems, and how they are symptomatic of poor data governance (data intelligence) practices as much as, if not more than, users seeking to...

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The Promise of Analytics

Of our clients who have embarked on an analytics program, many of them have seen the same issues emerge that came up when they introduced Business Intelligence (BI) tools, as well as historically...

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Remove Barriers to Effective Reporting

Implementing effective reporting at any organization is not easy (including higher education institutions). This post outlines the barriers to effective reporting and provides solutions to eliminate...

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Part III: Pragmatic Data Governance-Best Practices of Reporting

In their Top 10 IT Issues, 2017, EDUCAUSE identified “data management and governance” as an issue to “improve…the management of institutional data through data standards, integration, protection,...

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At-Risk Students and the Data Cookbook: Harnessing the Power of Prediction

A recent New York Times article explores the burgeoning world of student data in an attempt to explain why it holds such power, particularly with at-risk students. Recent work in learning analytics...

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Building a Better Data Culture

Anyone who's ever attended a Data Cookbook demonstration, or heard us talk about it at a higher education conference, has heard us say this: "Reporting is not a technology problem." While we think...

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Migrating Reports - You have to Analyze the Functional Need

So, we're converting from X to Y - can you help us re-write our reports?

Often when an organization is changing from one system to another, they look to automate the process. This works fine,...

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