Tag Archives: specification

Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Expand Your Report Catalog to be a Data Processing / Flow Catalog

Many organizations have documented their reports (or at least their most critical reports). And hopefully this information is in an accessible knowledgebase. This is often referred to as a report...

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Quick Summary of What is Data Governance and Key Best Practices

We are often asked about data governance (or as we call it data intelligence) such as what is it and what are some key best practices in data governance. This post summarizes our thoughts on this. We...

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Case for Sharing Definitions & Specifications in the Public Community

As you many know, IData publishes a number of publicly-available definitions and specifications for public consumption, including national data sets like IPEDS and CDS, state bodies like SCHEV in...

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