Tag Archives: analytics

Analytics Maturity: Don't Run before You Walk

Your organization faces numerous challenges as it makes its way towards analytics maturity. We are deliberately using that phrase loosely, since what that maturity looks like for your organization...

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Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Self-Service Analytics Discussion About Gatekeeper Model and Data Governance Framework

Many clients come to us when they are planning, or after they have embarked on, an overhaul to their business intelligence (BI) stack. They have often determined that their legacy tools are not...

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Making Better Decisions by Better Managing Data

We spend a lot of time in conversation with prospective and active clients talking about their quest to be (more) data-driven. In those conversations, it can be taken for granted what "data-driven"...

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Analytics, Storytelling, and Your Data

Data visualization tools as well as design shops - this is an insufficient and reductive description for talented professionals who take data visualizations and tailor them further into often...

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Doing More with Your Data Starts with Asking Better Questions About It

Over the past few months, we have explored the concept of data literacy in an individual and organizational capacity. Organizations are being pushed to be more data-centric just to keep up with the...

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Six Data Governance Principles for Reports and Dashboards

Reporting (or analytics) and data governance (or as we call it data intelligence) are related. They both deal with data requests, data quality, data lineage, data systems, information sharing and...

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Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics - Check Out the Resources

We have a great deal of resources related to a variety of topics in data governance (or what we call data intelligence). Topics include: getting started with data governance, trust in data, ...

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Make Data Governance as Self-service as Possible

Your data governance and data intelligence activities should be as self-service as possible, just like self-service analytics and self-service IT support. Users at an organization should be able to...

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Availability of Data Governance Reporting and Analytics Resources

Reporting and Analytics is very related to data governance and data intelligence. If you do not have trust in your data then you will not have trust in your reports and your analytic efforts. The...

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Achieving Successful Reporting is Not a Technology Problem

While some organizations have been successful with a wide range of reporting tools, many others struggle with the same tools. We feel it is because organizational reporting or analytics problems are...

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Trend for Shadow Analytics

In a previous post we shared some thoughts about shadow systems, and how they are symptomatic of poor data governance (data intelligence) practices as much as, if not more than, users seeking to...

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The Promise of Analytics

Of our clients who have embarked on an analytics program, many of them have seen the same issues emerge that came up when they introduced Business Intelligence (BI) tools, as well as historically...

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The Data-Enabled Executive: Using Analytics for Student Success

The American Council of Education (ACE) came out with a brief, titled “The Data-Enabled Executive: Using Analytics for Student Success and Sustainability”, to increase data-informed decision making...

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Building a Better Data Culture

Anyone who's ever attended a Data Cookbook demonstration, or heard us talk about it at a higher education conference, has heard us say this: "Reporting is not a technology problem." While we think...

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