Tag Archives: people

The People Side of Data Governance

People (Human Resources) are an important part of data governance and data intelligence. They are part of the necessary framework. Data governance is about helping people and providing guidance....

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Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Communication About Data Intelligence

Communication is key in data intelligence and data governance success. Communication with employees should be ongoing and when an employee is hired. Spread the word. Explain to every level in your...

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Data Intelligence Portal and Frequency of Data Governance Training

In this blog post we will discuss what should be included on a data intelligence and data governance portal (or web page) and how often that data governance training should be done. Previously we did...

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The Front Office and Back Office of Data Governance

A finished report that was requested or a published business glossary entry are examples of front office data governance-related deliverables. But there is a lot of work that goes into the creation...

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Fit Data Intelligence into Your Organization's Culture

In this blog post we will discuss the organization culture that will maximize the benefit of data intelligence and data governance at all levels. And that data intelligence needs to be a part of your...

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Data Governance Content Operations

There is a great deal of data governance content that needs to be managed and curated. This requires operations. You probably have a goal to increase your data governance content on a regular basis....

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Discussion About Chief Data Officers

Data should be managed by those with responsibility for its collection, processing, maintenance, and appropriate use. Data intelligence requires concentrated leadership, broad participation by those...

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Doing Data Intelligence the Inexpensive, Smarter Way

We are a firm believer of just-in-time data intelligence. In this blog post we will cover less expensive, smarter ways to do data intelligence (data governance) over the more typical (and more...

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Data Governance Oversight Team Responsibilities

For data governance and data intelligence success, an organization must have a data governance oversight and management team or committee (team) in place. This team is the champion for data...

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Data Intelligence is Change for the Better

A data intelligence or data governance initiative at an organization involves change and is not easy to perform. Acknowledge that change is difficult. You understand that it is complex to implement...

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Updated Key Elements of Data Intelligence Success

There are six key elements (goals, roadmap, buy-in, content, process, and champions) that we say are needed for organizational data governance (and data intelligence) success. We will cover these key...

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Here’s Some Resources Regarding People and Data Governance / Data Intelligence

People are an important part of data governance. They are part of the necessary framework. In this blog post we will mention educational resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars) that are...

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Automate Your Data Governance as Much as Possible

Having some of your data governance-related activities automated drives strategic decision-making and improves daily operations in the organization. Data governance automation is an incredibly...

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Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics - Check Out the Resources

We have a great deal of resources related to a variety of topics in data governance (or what we call data intelligence). Topics include: getting started with data governance, trust in data, ...

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Determine Your Data Governance Framework

A framework helps an organization and its members on how to think and communicate about a project such as a data governance or data intelligence initiative.  And every organization need a data...

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Review Your Data Situations

Data governance and data intelligence helps your organization with your typical data situations. This blog post reminds you to review your various data situations (or maybe you call them use cases)...

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Where Reference Data Lists are Used

Reference data lists are used from a data governance perspective in a variety of places including definitional, quality, reporting, integration, and standards. Previously we covered what is reference...

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What is Reference Data

In this blog post we will cover what is reference data by giving some examples and some general guidelines. The most common use of reference data are code values or lookup values. The dropdown lists...

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Various Approaches for Managing Reference Data Lists

There is a potential enormous impact when a reference data list or valid value list is changed. Some changes more than others. And you need to be prepared. But, as a rule, lots of things happen if...

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Data Governance is About Helping People and Guidance

We say that “Data governance is about best practices designed to help people access, understand, connect, protect, and effectively use your organization's data across all systems”. The key words are ...

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Key Elements of Data Governance Success

There are five key elements (goals, buy-in, content, process, champions) that we say are needed for data governance (and data intelligence) success for organizations which we will cover in this blog...

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Better, Inexpensive Way to Establish Data Governance in Higher Education

We are a firm believer of just-in-time data governance. In this blog post we will cover less expensive, better ways to do data governance (data intelligence) over the more typical (and more costly)...

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How to Improve Your Institutional Reporting

Reporting can always be improved. It is often not the reporting technology being used that is the problem. Usually it comes down to people and processes. In this post we share some thoughts on...

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Achieving Successful Reporting is Not a Technology Problem

While some organizations have been successful with a wide range of reporting tools, many others struggle with the same tools. We feel it is because organizational reporting or analytics problems are...

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