Tag Archives: communication

Change Management and Continuous Improvement Necessary for Data Governance

A data intelligence or data governance initiative at an organization involves change and is not easy to perform. Acknowledge that change is difficult. You understand that any change is complex to...

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Top 12 Data Management Blog Posts for 2023

We did our review and here are the top 12 most viewed blog posts in 2023 from our IData Insights Blog about Data Management, Data Intelligence, and Data Governance. There was quite a variety of...

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Effective Data-Related Onboarding and Training

Organizations are constantly generating and gathering vast amounts of data. And this data is critical to the success of the organization. The amount of data makes it challenging for employees to...

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Listen to Employees on How to Improve Data Intelligence Efforts

You want to gain greater acceptance of your data intelligence, data governance, and data catalog efforts at your organization. You do this by getting more employees involved in the efforts and...

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Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Here's Some Data Intelligence Resources Regarding Communication and Training

A data governance and data intelligence initiative is very important to an organization. And for the initiative to succeed it needs to have a trained staff and communication to those involved which...

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Communication About Data Intelligence

Communication is key in data intelligence and data governance success. Communication with employees should be ongoing and when an employee is hired. Spread the word. Explain to every level in your...

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Fit Data Intelligence into Your Organization's Culture

In this blog post we will discuss the organization culture that will maximize the benefit of data intelligence and data governance at all levels. And that data intelligence needs to be a part of your...

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Data Governance Oversight Team Responsibilities

For data governance and data intelligence success, an organization must have a data governance oversight and management team or committee (team) in place. This team is the champion for data...

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Data Intelligence is Change for the Better

A data intelligence or data governance initiative at an organization involves change and is not easy to perform. Acknowledge that change is difficult. You understand that it is complex to implement...

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Agile Just-in-Time Data Governance is the Way to Go

We are a firm believer in just-in-time data governance (or as we also call it, data intelligence) which is very agile. The agile methodology has radically transformed the process of software...

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Have Data Governance Communication Plan

Having a communication plan for data governance (or data intelligence) is a necessary strategy to help ensure data governance success. You want to create and maintain staff awareness of data...

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Data Governance Framework: Communication Process

One of the three components of a data governance (data intelligence) framework is having a communication process which includes facilitating just-in-time data governance, supporting data governance...

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Reframing Data Quality Problems

When we speak with new or prospective clients, the topic of their organization's data quality often comes up. And it's frequently our experience that when someone who is not data-savvy thinks their...

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The Many Parts of Data Quality (and Resources)

An important component of data governance (also known as data intelligence) is data quality. But there are many parts to data quality including sources of data quality, issues, their impact, people...

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Trusted Data: Working Together and Communication Play a Big Part

Recently we found ourselves re-reading Educause’s annual Top 10 IT Issues, 2019 Edition. We commented on this publication when it came out, but we wanted to revisit in this post a few observations...

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Fit Data Governance into Your Higher Education Institution's Culture

In this blog post we’ll discuss the institution culture that will maximize the benefit of data governance at all levels. And that data governance needs to be a part of your higher education...

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Internal Communication Regarding Data Quality

Internal communication is a key process in the success of a data quality program at an organization. To build trust in your data you want to be as transparent as possible regarding data quality. If...

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One Recommended Data Governance Content Path

There are many paths to create data governance (data intelligence) content for organizations such as higher education institutions. Creation of the path should be determined by institution...

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Content of Data Governance for Higher Education Institutions

In higher education there are many types of content for data governance (also called data intelligence). This blog post will mention the 12 areas of content that we have learned about from our...

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Building Trust in Your Data – 10 Steps to Achieve

Data governance needs to provide trust in the data for it to be successful. Organizations need to trust their data so that they can make effective decision making. But building trust is not easy. It...

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