Tag Archives: systems

Data Products and Data Governance Engagement

We described the concept and the value of a data catalog in this space recently, and made an arbitrary distinction between cataloging data assets--the actual data elements themselves and the systems...

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My Small Marketing Data Governance Journey

This is a different kind of blog post for me. I feel that every person in an organization that works with data (that is almost everyone) is part of the data governance team. This blog post will...

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Data System Inventory - Resources to Make It Happen

Data is everywhere at an organization and in many data systems. And growing all the time. Data at an organization needs to be understood, individually and collectively, and can’t be done without a...

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Trend for Shadow Analytics

In a previous post we shared some thoughts about shadow systems, and how they are symptomatic of poor data governance (data intelligence) practices as much as, if not more than, users seeking to...

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Shadow Systems Explained

Everyone knows shadow systems are bad, and yet they still proliferate. Rather than enumerate once again why you should take pains to avoid them, we want to spend some time in this post exploring why...

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