Tag Archives: deliverables

Data Governance / Data Intelligence Content Resources

There is a great deal of data governance-related content including reference data, business glossary, report specifications, policy documentation, data requests, data system inventory, reference...

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Expand Your Report Catalog to be a Data Processing / Flow Catalog

Many organizations have documented their reports (or at least their most critical reports). And hopefully this information is in an accessible knowledgebase. This is often referred to as a report...

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One Recommended Data Governance Content Path

There are many paths to create data governance (data intelligence) content for organizations such as higher education institutions. Creation of the path should be determined by institution...

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Content of Data Governance for Higher Education Institutions

In higher education there are many types of content for data governance (also called data intelligence). This blog post will mention the 12 areas of content that we have learned about from our...

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