Tag Archives: inventory

Data Products and Data Governance Engagement

We described the concept and the value of a data catalog in this space recently, and made an arbitrary distinction between cataloging data assets--the actual data elements themselves and the systems...

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Managing Data Sprawl

Recently we discussed the concept of data sprawl. We find ourselves very much in the era of data sprawl, with so much data available for capture, so many specialized tools for its collection and...

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If It Were Easy, Wouldn't You Already Have Done It?

We were recently reminded of #MonkeyFirst, which was something between a thought experiment and an analogy produced by Astro Teller of Google X. Briefly, for those of you who missed it the first time...

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Wealth of Resources on Data Governance and Data Intelligence Topics and Components

We have a great deal of resources (blog posts, videos, and recorded webinars)  related to a variety of topics and components in data governance (or what we call data intelligence).

Topics include: ...

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Inventory Your Technology Tools

Building a technology tool inventory will be beneficial to your organization. This post describes the benefits of having a technology tool inventory, steps we recommend to build your technology tool...

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The Many Uses of a Data Processing (Data Flow) Catalog

A key part of data governance is to have an easily accessible knowledge base. Important content of this knowledge base is a data processing catalog. Some call this a report catalog or a data flow...

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What is a Data System Inventory

Data is everywhere at an organization in many data systems. And growing all the time. This data needs to be understood, individually and collectively, and cannot be done without a data systems...

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Levels of Data System Inventory Complexity

What is it that you want to track in a data system inventory? It’s a lot of information. In this blog post we cover this by discussing the ten levels of data system inventory complexity. They get...

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Resources for the Many Components of Data Governance

Data governance (or what we call data intelligence) consists of many components including data system inventory, data request, data stewardship, reference data, data lineage, business glossary, data...

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Data System Inventory - Resources to Make It Happen

Data is everywhere at an organization and in many data systems. And growing all the time. Data at an organization needs to be understood, individually and collectively, and can’t be done without a...

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The More Things Change ...

IData Inc. has been in business since 2004, and we’ve performed a lot of different work for hundreds of clients in that time. It’s a little bit amazing then, how little some of the complaints we...

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Inventory of Data Assets Necessary to Recognize Value of Data

Something we often say during our early conversations with clients is that data governance (or data intelligence) is what you do when you recognize data is an asset, and when you start to treat it...

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What to Store in a Data Systems Inventory

It is critical to know where your data resides. Therefore, it is necessary to inventory all of the data systems used at the organization. This post discusses what to include in an inventory. The...

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8 Steps to Build a Data Systems Inventory

Building a data system inventory is necessary, but not easy.  This post describes the 8 steps we recommend when  building your data system inventory at your organization.

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Benefits of a Data Systems Inventory

This blog post will cover the benefits of having an inventory of your data systems at your organization (such as a higher education institution). Part of the knowledgebase for data governance (also...

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