Your data governance and data intelligence activities should be as self-service as possible, just like self-service analytics and self-service IT support. Users at an organization should be able to...
The number of data systems and applications of an organization keeps growing. And in most cases these new systems and applications need to be integrated with other systems and applications to make...
Being a good data steward is not all about technical knowledge. There are several soft skills, traits, and behaviors that a good data steward should have. Every data steward will be different and...
Since it is the beginning of the year, it is a good time to think about the information technology (IT) challenges, issues, and priorities for the year. Make sure that the organization’s strategic...
Having trust in your data is critical at your organization. That is why data governance and data intelligence is so important as it leads to this trust by those that are using the data. Trust in the...
We are always thinking of new ways to frame data governance and guidance (or data intelligence) so that it is better understood. Previously we did a video on how data governance is like student...
Having a communication plan for data governance (or data intelligence) is a necessary strategy to help ensure data governance success. You want to create and maintain staff awareness of data...
Data governance (also called data intelligence) is not easy. There is a lot of components to it. There is a lot of content. You need a framework and hopefully have tools in place. You need a group of...
Thinking about interviewing someone for a data governance or data intelligence role such as a Data Governance Manager or a Data Governance Coordinator? Maybe this is a new role in the organization....
Definitions should eliminate confusion across the enterprise. And they should be accessible by all that work with data. There are two types of definitions - functional and technical. And they are...
Reporting and Analytics is very related to data governance and data intelligence. If you do not have trust in your data then you will not have trust in your reports and your analytic efforts. The...
Reference data is the forgotten content in data governance (or as we call it, data intelligence). It needs to be documented and managed just like business glossary definitions and report...
Do not make everything reference data in your data governance (data intelligence) area. This blog post will discuss that only the key ones should be documented and managed. And new ones should be...
Recently we held a webinar regarding responsibilities of a data governance (data intelligence) leadership and oversight committee. Feel free to watch the recording here. We thought in this blog post...
In a recent webinar we covered tips for writing great business glossary definitions. Click here to access the recording. In this blog post we thought we would cover some principles and thoughts on...
Data governance and data intelligence helps your organization with your typical data situations. This blog post reminds you to review your various data situations (or maybe you call them use cases)...
Reference data lists are used from a data governance perspective in a variety of places including definitional, quality, reporting, integration, and standards. Previously we covered what is reference...
In this blog post we will cover what is reference data by giving some examples and some general guidelines. The most common use of reference data are code values or lookup values. The dropdown lists...
What is it that you want to track in a data system inventory? It’s a lot of information. In this blog post we cover this by discussing the ten levels of data system inventory complexity. They get...
There is a potential enormous impact when a reference data list or valid value list is changed. Some changes more than others. And you need to be prepared. But, as a rule, lots of things happen if...
We say that “Data governance is about best practices designed to help people access, understand, connect, protect, and effectively use your organization's data across all systems”. The key words are ...
Data at the beginning of the line usually changes by the time it gets to the end of the line. You need to understand the changes that occur. All organizations, including higher education...
In this blog post we will discuss the purpose of a data governance (or data intelligence) initiative assessment so that you can create a plan. First, you will need to assess your current situation...
When we talk about best practices in data governance (or data intelligence), we separate it into two main areas: framework (the how) and content (the what). This blog post will discuss these 2 areas...
What do we mean by data governance (and data intelligence) and why does data governance matter? This blog post answers both of these questions.