IData Inc. has been in business since 2004, and we’ve performed a lot of different work for hundreds of clients in that time. It’s a little bit amazing then, how little some of the complaints we...
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Is your data governance (or data intelligence) content (report requests, data dumps, data systems inventory, data definitions, etc.) taking too long to produce or does not seem to be as effective as...
In this post we’ll discuss the types of silos that exist at organizations (such as higher education institutions), data brawling, data culture, shadow systems, benefits of breaking down the silos and...
An important component of data governance (also known as data intelligence) is data quality. But there are many parts to data quality including sources of data quality, issues, their impact, people...
This post is some of our thoughts on data management issues throughout the data lifecycle including loss of focus, upkeep priority, security access and disposition of data.
We are a firm believer of just-in-time data governance. In this blog post we will cover less expensive, better ways to do data governance (data intelligence) over the more typical (and more costly)...
Reporting can always be improved. It is often not the reporting technology being used that is the problem. Usually it comes down to people and processes. In this post we share some thoughts on...
Something we often say during our early conversations with clients is that data governance (or data intelligence) is what you do when you recognize data is an asset, and when you start to treat it...
How healthy are your institution’s integrations? You probably have many integrations (and the list is probably getting longer) such as your Admissions CRM to Student Information System integration or...
Recently we found ourselves re-reading Educause’s annual Top 10 IT Issues, 2019 Edition. We commented on this publication when it came out, but we wanted to revisit in this post a few observations...
While some organizations have been successful with a wide range of reporting tools, many others struggle with the same tools. We feel it is because organizational reporting or analytics problems are...
Recently we attended the AIR Forum, the annual conference for institutional researchers. As a company, IData has a fair amount of direct experience with the practice of institutional research,...
In a previous post we covered 5 best practices in a system integration project. Here we will cover 6 more best practices which are:
- Build a complete data mapping document
- Get approval on the...
In this post we cover 5 best practices for system integration projects and how data governance (data intelligence) can help. In a following post we cover 6 additional best practices. Here are the 1st...
The data steward role is pivotal for the success of data governance and data intelligence. In a previous post we discussed the 3 data governance roles of steward, owner and custodian. The steward...
In this blog post we’ll discuss the institution culture that will maximize the benefit of data governance at all levels. And that data governance needs to be a part of your higher education...
A data quality program can be any size. Whether large or small, the key thing is to have a plan and to use processes that are predictable and repeatable. A haphazard or unpredictable approach will...
This post is inspired by two pieces of terminology that have seemingly been everywhere this year, and one factoid that’s been circulating for years. One term is “self-service business intelligence,”...
A data quality program can be any size. Whether large or small, the key thing is to have a plan and to use processes that are predictable and repeatable. A haphazard or unpredictable approach will...
There are many challenges in integrating 2 data systems. In this post we will cover the following challenges: lack of skills, lack of money, lack of resources, poor communication/planning, after...
Recently we discussed the differences between a business glossary and a data dictionary, and why you are likely to need both at your organization. In this post we want to delve more deeply into the...
Integration between data systems is a key part of data management. As more data systems are used in an organization, system integrations are becoming even more critical. Data system exchanges...
Data governance (also called data intelligence) consists of processes and tasks that staff perform within their organization. When these activities are executed well, all data users enjoy easier...
Building a culture that fosters data quality is the job of everyone in your organization (such as a higher education institution), from front line staff in various functional departments such as...
Having accessible knowledge is an important part of data governance (or also called data intelligence) and we thought in this post (and in upcoming posts) we would go back to the basics. Topic this...